Your First Visit

You will be warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Help is on its way!
Your first visit with us will take approximately one hour. During this time Dr. Dan will spend time talking about you as a person, finding out what you would like to accomplish through care, about your everyday habits, and reviewing your new patient forms with you. You can download the new patients forms and complete them prior to your initial visit.
Today’s Technology
We do not do x-rays but we do run a series of scans. The first scan done is called a Rolling Thermal scan. This aides us in determining if there are any areas that have restricted blood flow, how stressed the nervous system is and what organs are affected . The second scan is called an EMG scan. Some EMG scans use needles, however ours do not. Ours are simply sensors that are positioned at different areas on your spine that help us determine muscle tension and how balanced or unbalanced it may be. And, our last scan used is our foot scan. This scan identifies problems with loss of arch in the feet.
A Personalized Plan for your Care
After the scans are complete, Dr. Dan will perform a number of muscle tests to find areas that are not functioning at one hundred percent and then determine what your body considers a priority. It is through these tests that Dr. Dan will determine the best treatment method. When the priority is found, further testing will be done to determine if emotional, homeopathic, nutritional, or structural work will help. Minimal adjusting is done on this first visit.
Click here to learn what you can expect on your second visit.